I don't think I would have been as creative as I am now without you all.
woensdag 31 december 2008
Happy New Year
I don't think I would have been as creative as I am now without you all.
maandag 29 december 2008
There are some giveaways
zondag 28 december 2008
A quilt for a teenage boy

Pay it forward

woensdag 24 december 2008
Merry Christmas to you all
zondag 21 december 2008
Magical Christmas

donderdag 18 december 2008
This and that

*picture taken from Saffron Craig*
Saffron Craig sells beautiful handprinted fabrics. If you sign up for their newsletter, you will get a fat quarter. The fabrics are very inspiring! (Just read that this has expired. But you should have a look anyway!)

And if you still want to make a present for Christmas, maybe a Nordic House ornament is something for you to make. Look at how Robyn made them.
woensdag 17 december 2008
Christmas Spirit Swap Gifts
I had decided to put the presents under the Christmas tree, as soon as my daughter had finished decorating it that evening, look at them a bit more and then open them.
But what can you do if your children (17 and 15) keep asking you when you are going to open the parcel every two minutes.
Ok, so I decided to take them out of the parcel after a while. I could see from their eyes that they thought I was crazy: are you really just going to put the gifts there and look at them ??? My daughter started to pick up the presents, turn them, feel them, squeeze them etc. And my son kept looking strangely at me.
Eventually this was making me nervous AND even more curious. I gave up and started unwrapping the pressies ...

I was overwhelmed by all the beautiful gifts! Look at the wonderful bag at the right. Marie-Joze does a great job in machine quilting and making bags. I already used it today. And see the stitchery on the Little Sewing bag. Inside the little house is a centimeter roller (is that what they're called) and in the needle case, rose pins were hidden.
For my daughter Marie-Joze had added a key-bag (on the left). She was really happy with it. She asked me if she could have the bag too... I don't think so ...
maandag 15 december 2008
Thank goodness, there is more than just Christmas
Then while I was blogging, I found this Charms for Charity Contest. Go have a look there. Deadline is December 31.
Here is my completely finished Christmas pattern by Gail Pan. It's a quick project and very much fun to do (as I might have said already earlier)!

A while ago I joined the Teeny Tiny Squares Quilt Swap and yesterday I received the name of my secret swap partner. I'm really looking forward to make a quilt with squares between 1-1.5". It's something I've always wanted to do and a swap somehow gets me to do it. I think I might make two at the same time, so I'll have one for myself too.

And last but not least, I received my Gail Pan giveaway. Gentle dreams - Let summer whisper her gentle dreams. Doesn't this just make you go to another world with your thoughts and feelings. Once again, Gail, thank you so much (O:
zondag 14 december 2008
Christmas Spirit Swap

donderdag 11 december 2008
The postman brought me these (O:

I think the special part of this button is, that Lynette actually has a cat called Felix, who is a very good friend of her dog Hugo. You should really have to take a look on her blog to see how these two pets get along so nicely!
Some more Christmas and getting organized

This cute little bird I got with Sinterklaas this year. It is made of glass. I don't know yet where I am going to hang it. But just looking at it is very nice too.

And today I did some cleaning up and organizing. My gosh, did I collect a lot in the past few months! It is so nice to look at all the wonderful fabrics, threads, needles, ribbons, buttons etc., but if I don't get it organized after a while, I get lost and start doing 10 things at once, not knowing what I've started, finished, been in the middle of etc. I've already taken some boxes upstairs and have to get two more big boxes to get it all fixed.
dinsdag 9 december 2008
Christmas definitely is coming
I was going to put my snowman quilt on my blog today which I made a few years ago, but I couldn't find it. I think I gave it to someone, which I often do, without really thinking about it. My children (especially my son) don't like me doing this, but I guess that's just me.
So then I came across this wonderful Santa Claus which I finished last year. It's an advent calendar, however, I can't find the little ornaments that go to it. Well, it looks nice like this too, with Sarah's beautiful baubles (I think that's what they're called). I think I should do something about the way it hangs ...

I think one of the reasons I enjoy Christmas, is that I come across things I tend to forget. And once I see them again, it makes me all happy, often with nice memories to them (O:
vrijdag 5 december 2008
A bit of everything

Gail Pan Design for ChristmasGail Pan makes wonderful designs. She has made a Christmas stitchery wall hanging for us all to make. She says it is a truly quick project to make, so maybe one more nice project for Christmas. Thank you Gail!

dinsdag 2 december 2008
Another giveaway at Giggle Buttons!

But of course advent also starts during this period. My mother made an Advent calendar for every grandchild (12!) on their first Christmas. My daughter is now 17 and still enjoys it a lot. I was two days late this year (my mother and sister-in-law buy and wrap all the small presents), but my daughter is very good at reminding me when she gets up, so here it finally is:
Then I also made my Advent tray. I'm not quite satisfied yet, but it is too cold and rainy to go shopping for something to add. So I'll stick to this for the moment.
It used to be a family tradition to get a Christmas angel on the first day of Christmas at breakfast. That is when I got these. And it really took four years to get them all toghether. That was always something to look forward to. Isn't this a wonderful tradition!
And here is a picture of my Christmas quilt I made last year. Actually I made two, since it was so easy to make. So one of my sisters was lucky. I didn't quilt it, but made knots. I'm not quite sure how that is called. It is an easy and fast way to get a quilt finished and it looks very good on this one.
zaterdag 29 november 2008
Giggle Club

Today I finally joined the Giggle Club. Sonya makes such wonderful buttons and patterns, that I just couldn't resist.
The fun will start in February next year. Gosh, that's another two months. Oh well, something to look forward to already!
vrijdag 28 november 2008
I feel very very happy today (O:

donderdag 27 november 2008
Black and white quilt challenge

dinsdag 25 november 2008
My very first swap

zondag 23 november 2008
Giggle Buttons

zaterdag 22 november 2008
Magical Christmas almost finished

Today when we got up, we had snow!!! Our first snow in November. Doesn't it look beautiful. Our dog Bibi loves running around in the snow. It makes her active and happy.

And here's my Magical Christmas almost finished. I have one more border to go and then I'll be able to finish it! I must say, I'm quite satisfied. This is a very fun project to make!