We visited some typical places for this region, such as the Fluweelgrot in Valkenburg and the St. Gerlach chappel in Houtem. It was lovely weather that afternoon, that we were able to have a lunch outside at Chateau St. Gerlach. There were some other places I would have loved to visit with Louise, but somehow time just flew away too fast.

She did bring me some more, but I will show that some other time ...
Luckily I was able to find some time to finish my last two stitchery BOMs, so I won't fall behind.
And here are the first five days of my new Calendar Quilt Challenge. Still have to catch up with yesterday.
Then this weekend there was the 'Lente in Limburgse Tuinen'. A few beautiful private gardens had open doors. We visited two gardens. One in Schinnen, where we visited Lijsterhof and the other one in Bemelen, where Lyd Gunning has a beautiful garden that blooms almost the whole year through. The weather was just perfect! And we enjoyed some home made lime tart and rhubarb cakes.
The tulips shown, actually have a special sweet odor. This is not usual for tulips.
I hope you all have a lovely week ahead of you, filled with happiness, friendship and sunshine!
PS: If you like to join a fun international swap, go to Sandra's blog. She is organizing a pincushion swap. Now that will be fun (O:

I hope you all have a lovely week ahead of you, filled with happiness, friendship and sunshine!
PS: If you like to join a fun international swap, go to Sandra's blog. She is organizing a pincushion swap. Now that will be fun (O:
24 opmerkingen:
Are you in the bottom row with the red skirt? How lovely to still be in touch with a teacher like that. What lovely jelly rolls, you'll have fun using those.
Wat heb jij een heerlijke week achter de rug. Daarom was het zo stilletjes op je blog! Heel speciaal dat je nog zo'n goed contact hebt met je lerares.
Hi Simone!
Thank you for sharing your special moments! I too am friends with a school-teacher I had when I was five years old. She is friends with hundreds of her former students and I am amazed how she remembers us all!
Your stitcheries look beautiful and I am looking forward to seeing what you do with your scrummy jelly rolls! Talking of scrummy, your Danish treats just about made my mouth water! he he he..
Vikki :-)
So you have had your visit by your friend now... I hope you had the best times..and what I see of the pictures and read..you sure had a wonderful time...
And Simone..I do not dare to guess...its a bit blurry... :o) Love to see how far into spring you have come and it sure looks pretty at your corner of the world...
Take care and enjoy spring!!
Love the old school photo. How wonderful to meet with your school teacher. I'm still in contact with my 5th grade teacher...through Christmas cards.
What a lovely happy post Lieve Simone!!! And so good you were able to have some finishes...very pretty gardens too. Everything looks such fun...and wow 2 jelly rolls...wonder what you will make from them?! Are you on the bottom right? You have a great week too ♥x
How wonderful that you share such a lovely friendship with a former teacher! Love the thoughtful gifts she bought for you. I can't wait to see what you make with them.
How wonderful that you have such a lovely friendship...You obviously have wonderful memories. The jelly rolls are wonderful! Funny, I am putting a cherry blossom tree in our front lawn...I love the pink of the blossoms!
Wat geweldig om je oude juf nog eens te zien. Ik zou zeggen dat jij het meisje bent in de eerst rij met het rode rokje?!
Leuk, zo'n ontmoeting met je oude juf.
Je stitcheries zien er mooi uit en ik zie dat je Challenge quilt ook een begin heeft.
Succes ermee.
How wonderful to be able to get together with your former teacher! And lovely jelly roll fabrics this week as well! Guess what...I'm hoping to have my "Pay it Forward" gifts in the mail at the end of next week...almost finished!!!
Looks like you had a wonderful visit with your former teacher! And what lovely jelly rolls! I can't wait to see what you make with them! I would have to guess you are the girl in the middle of the front row with the pink top on. Her smile looks like yours! :0)
Liebe Simone,
vielen Dank für dieses tolle Posting.
Einen so netten Besuch einer ehemaligen Lehrerin, die Jelly Rolls und Freezer Paper mitbringt hätte ich auch zu gerne ;-)
Das Foto im Lokal mit eurer Vorfreude auf den Pfannkuchen ist wirklich schön geworden ...... lecker und freundschaftlich zugleich.
Ich möchte mich nicht in die Nesseln setzen, deshalb tippe ich lieber nicht, welches der blonden Mädchen Simone ist .....
Deine neuen stitcheries sind sehr schön gestickt und auch schon gebügelt ;-) .... ach, wenn der Tag doch mehr Stunden haben könnte!
Und dein neues Projekt, wow, dafür bewundere ich dich.
Die privaten Gärten gefallen mir ebenfalls, Simone, dieses Posting ist von A - Z KLASSE!!!!!
Eine schöne Woche wünsche ich dir, ganz liebe Grüße, deine Jutta
Da hattest Du ja ein wirklich wundervolles Wochenende liebe Simone- ich wünsche Dir noch ganz viele davon :o)Fleißig warst du auch wieder - schön sind Deine beiden BOM´s geworden. Ganz liebe Grüße und eine schöne Woche wünscht Dir Gaby
Hi Simone, How wonderful catching up with Louise, that must have been so very special for you both,
have fun with your jelly roll..
Hi Simone,
How lucky for you to be spending time with Louise, and how so very very special for you both,
I look forward to seeing what you do with your new jelly roll, have fun!
thanks for sharing the old school pic. what a special time you had with your teacher. good job on keeping up with those bom's. there are so many wonderful ones out there. love your 365 fabric. i haven't started yet. and what a cute scissor stitchery. i haven't seen that one.
Are you in the front row 3rd from right?
Liebe Simone, schön wenn Freude mit deinem lieben Besuch hattest. Die Mitbringsel sind ja auch nicht zu verachten :-))
Und fleißig warst du auch noch! Respekt.
LG Patricia
Hallo Lieve Simone, thank you for sharing your pics of sunshine and flowers...glad you had a special time with Louise......I will interested to see what you make with your Jelly Rolls.....Warm Regards Lyn
I love the calender idea, but would like to think of a special moment to start it with, like a wedding anniversary...
What fun you must have had with your teacher. My favorite teacher passed away when I was about 11.
I find it amazing that you still know your 5th grade teacher. I could not pick you out in the class photo. Lucky you I love Objects of Desire By Sandy Gervais. I have that Jelly roll also. I also love tulips they don't do well here.
That is so sweet... we are so blessed to have great & lovely teachers...they are the best! Thank you for sharing...
~Blessings as always*
Hi Simone. How lovely to spend time with your former teacher. (and what great gifts she brought you ... I LOVE jelly rolls.)Afraid I couldn't pick you out in in the school photo.
Your BOMS look great ... must catch up with mine soon.
Your blog looks terrific. I actually stumbled across Delightful Dots the other day ... seems like you can have 3 column blogs with their backgrounds.
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