But this one is definitely ready to be shown. It is my the Monochromatic Four Season Quilt I received last week from Kerry. The colors are just perfect for me! It is my very first pink quilt!

I finished my fourth Verandah Views block. Once again, Cheryl did a wonderful job. My stitchery block didn't turn our so bright, but I think it fits perfectly to the other three blocks.

The Verandah Views so far:

And look at the gorgeous Easter post I got from Jutta, together with a wonderful Siggie she specially made for me, which will be shown further down this post. The cute little bird houses are actually egg warmers, but they found a very nice spot on our window sill, so we get to look at them every day! Vielen Dank, liebe Jutta!

Then, at the beginning of this year I joined the Calendar Quilt Challenge 2009. I finished up until mid March as you can see here and here. Yet, somehow this quilt never really felt like me.
Then I saw this quilt on Annelies' blog and the one Leanne made, with The 365 Challenge Tutorial.
Here are the fabrics I bought for this new challenge :

Notice the glasses. They are also very important in this process! LOL
Here is Jutta's beautiful Siggy and one from Cuny, with a special message about time.
This week I also finished my first border for the Spring Fling Round Robin-3 organized by Margaret. I can only show you a corner, for if I would show more, the person who made the center square would recognize it, since I used her fabric all over the border. I must say, working on a quilt this way really makes you think and combine colors. A very special and fun process!

And last but not least, I want to end my post with a gorgeous stitchery package Dzintra send me together with a pretty bookmarker for my Friday Night Knitting Club book. I actually finished the stitchery by Anni Dawn the day I received it! And as if Dzintra knew, I still had a frame that goes to it perfectly! Thank you so much, dear Dzintra! You really warmed my heart!

Have a lovely weekend and a creative and peaceful week!
32 opmerkingen:
Lots of lovely goodies Simone! I love the stitchery that you did! It looks perfect in that frame! Have a great weekend! :0)
Woah you're and have been very busy. Question how many hours does your day have. I like your new lay out.
Oh my golly gosh, you have been busy! And you've received some lovely gifts too.
You've definitely marked some things off of your "to do" list. Pretty Four Seasons quilt. Love the stitching. Those birdhouse eggs warmers are about the cutest things I've seen!!!
OOk een bezige bij,de stitcheries vind ik heel mooi.Heb ze ook al opgeslagen voor ooit eens.
Liebe Simone,
wow, dein neues Blog-Outfit gefällt mir sehr !!!!!
Und deine vielen Neuigkeiten auch. Schön, dass dir meine Eierwärmer und auch das Siggy gefallen.
Du bist wirklich sehr fleißig .... und für dein neues Projekt wünsche ich dir viel Erfolg.
Einen schönen Sonntag wünscht dir deine Jutta
Mooie nieuwe achtergrond Simone! En wat ben je weer druk geweest. Je stitcheries zijn mooi geworden. En wat heb je weer leuke dingetjes ontvangen. Dat is echt genieten!
WOW Simone, you have been a busy beaver, the Friendship heart really is a lovely lovely gift.. lucky you.
Have fun, Shiree
Gorgeous little stitcheries. I laughed at the one with the rabbit in the vegie patch, I have that problem, at the moment.....
Liebe Simone,
ich staune immer wieder, was bei Dir alles los ist! So viele schöne Arbeiten zum Bestaunen!
Mir gefällt Dein neuer Header besonders gut!
Ganz liebe Grüße
Hello Simone,
your blog have wonderful things, too.
I come back. I swap a siggy with you?
LG, Helga
Simone...you are on roll, wow so busy..love your swap...go girl...
Hallo Simone, hier geschieht ja auch einiges! Bin schon auf Weiteres gespannt.
Lg Patricia
I can see how enthusiastic you are about everything that you are doing. Wonderful work!
Unlike me, you've been very busy! Can't wait to see all your secret projects and it looks like your swap partners are so talented!
Labdien Simone...lovely new header you have there Girlfriend!!!
Wow...a lot has been going on in your world. Very very cute egg warmers to brighten up a window sill. You have a big job with those 365 blocks!!! And yes, Friendship does indeed Warm the Heart ♥x
I love your mono quilt..love the stiched flowers...:o)
I had bid intentions to start the 365 days quilt...but never did..so I wish you all the luck!! LOve your gift..:o)
You had so many wonderful things to share here...the Verandah Views are just stunning!
A lot of photo's and a lot of projects !!
I like the fabrics you chose for the 365 Challenge quilt. Your stitchery is beautiful and you received some very nice siggies !
What a busy and productive week you have had. The Verandah Views stitchery is gorgeous - can't wait to see the finished product.
Wow you have been busy - and have received some wonderful gifts as well. The pink quilt is so beautiufl.
Cheers - Shari
Hallo Lieve Simone, you have been very busy.....love your Verandah View Stitcheries.....also the last photo of the Friendship Stitchery......Hugs Lyn
Enjoy the 365 day challenge I finished mine about a year ago I loved doing it.
I love your little egg warmers.
WOW Simone I don't know how you manage to do so much you must work very fast!! so many pretty things. I LOVE the egg warmers they are adorable!!and your new look blog is very pretty indeed
Hallo liebe Simone, Dein neues "Outfit" ist super :O)) Du warst auch schon wieder so fleißig und hast wundervolle Dinge bekommen- eine schöne, kreative Woche für Dich und ganz, ganz liebe Grüße für Dich wünscht Gaby
Wow....so many things you show us...you are very busy, aren`t you?? When do you eat and sleep???...;-))
The quilt is wonderful, I like these colours,too!!
It is a great hobby, isn`t it??? Can you imagine sitting all day in front of a TV???
So many people do it...poor people!
Best Herzblatt-Wishes
So many lovely goodies!!! I just can't say which is my favorite!...Your stitchery is so neat and pretty and I love your idea of using a frame! Have a lovely week!
What are egg warmers? They are lovely but I don't know what they are meant to do.
You certainly do keep busy and your work is just beautiful!
Hi Simone dear, I adore those 'Verandah Views' series...I want them on my breakfast pillows!
The heart is so beautiful and I love the frame.
Hoi Simone,
Via via kwam ik op jouw webje en zag siggy's.....
Wil je een met mij ruilen?
Ik sta onder de C op de lijst van Annelies. Stuur mij jouw adres maar, gan gaat ie vandaag nog op de post.
Hartelijke groet,
Wow Simone! Your blog is beautiful - so many gorgeous things to look at! :-)
Your gifts are just gorgeous, and so is your crafts(woman)ship! I have a lot to learn about piecing and quilting, which is something that really interests me but I am yet to develop the skills.
I am so glad you stopped by my blog so that I found you!
Warm wishes, Vikki :-)
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