From Annelies I received this siggy and ...

Then a few weeks ago, when I mentioned that I was going to start Leanne' House in May, together with Jutta, Monika told me she would send me some materials I could add to it. Look at the lovely fabrics and threads she send me. Thank you so much, Monika! It all fits perfectly to what I have so far!
Monika is also making Leanne's House. She has already finished block 1-6!

And then finally, this week I received two patterns I had ordered at the beginning of December last year. It was really worth waiting for after all. The patterns are explained very well, with many many pictures. So I think I should manage to make them!

Then I received some wonderful news this week. My former 4th and 5th grade teacher will be visiting from California at the end of April. We've known each others for 40 (!) years now. The last time she was here was 10 years ago. Then we visited her 6 years ago with our children. This is so very special to me!
And remember, if something doesn't go the way you want it to go, "He that can have patience can have what he will." - Benjamin Franklin.
Off to do some ironing now. And my daughter just baked cookies, so I really have to try one (O:
Have a wonderful and happy week!
22 opmerkingen:
Lovely siggy blocks..:o)
And you are going to love making Leannes House... so good luck!!!
You are right those patters were worth all the waiting... :o) Enjoy the company that is coming...so nice to have friends visiting!!!!
I wish you also a very pleasant and wonderful week.
Nice to see my siggy on your blog !
Love the "siggy" blocks...does "siggy" stand for "signature?" And what lovely fabrics for Leanne's House...I need to start on block 4! Such a long time to receive those patterns...is that typical for the mail to take so long?
Have a great day and enjoy those cookies!
Just stopping by to catch up. What lovely signature blocks. This is such a great project. Looking back over your posts you certainly have been a busy stitcher! Your teeny tiny squares quilt from Christine certainly is amazing!
Hope you have a good Easter with lots of sewing time!
Hello Simone,what alot of fun your siggie swaps looks.......enjoy your time with you special friend...40 years is a long time....hmmm just feel like a cookie....that reminds me to look in my stash for you....hugs lyn
I've never heard of siggy blocks before. They look very sweet.
The patterns look great. You must show what you make from them.
Ironing - yuk, I've got loads!
Liebe Simone,
es freut mich sehr, dass ich Dir eine kleine Freude machen konnte. Inzwischen sind alle Leanne´s House Blöcke genäht und ich sticke am 7. Block.
Ich freue mich schon auf die ersten Fotos von Deinem LH im Mai.
Ganz liebe Grüße und sonnige, frohe Ostertage wünscht Dir
Thanks for posting my siggy and so glad that you are having so much fun with the group!
Gelukkig ben je daar weer. Had je gemist. Wat leuk dat je Leanne's House gaat maken. Is een erg leuke quilt. Om het met iemand samen te doen is een goed idee. Motiveer je elkaar. Grappig dat wonky house op je siggie.
Hoi Hoi Simone...great siggy blocks...sounds like a lot of fun to be in this. I can just smell those cookies...I am having a cup of coffee right now...will go down well...Have a lovely week Dear Friend...Love Dzintra♥♥♥
I love the fabrics you've been sent! I've been away on vacation...you've been really busy! Don't you love it?!
Liebe Simone, Du hast wieder schöne Dinge bekommen und ich freue mich für Dich mit -hab noch eine schöne Woche und ganz liebe Grüße von Gaby :O))
hearNO-seeNO-speakNO monkeys- Haven't seen that classic image for such a loooong time! ~Smiles*
Leuke Siggies heb je gekregen en gemaakt, leuke stofjes voor je Leanne's House. En wat een leuke patronen heb je besteld vooral het speldenkussen, hoe gaat het eigenlijk met de speldenkussentje van de maand?
I just spent a little time looking through your blog. Lots of goodness and talent!
Hoi Simone.
Lovely,all the things you show!! And what a great pleasure to see your good old friend again!!
I wish you a wonderful Easter!!
Hallo liebe Simone,
oooooh, wie schön, ein neues Posting von dir. Dein Siggy-Blöckchen ist so wunderhübsch, du wirst sicherlich sehr viele Anfragen bekommen ..... und Monikas weiche Post passt perfekt, toll !!!
Auch deine neuen Anleitungen gefallen mir, in Deutschland sagt man, wenn etwas Schönes lange dauert: "Gut Ding will Weile haben"! So ist es dir mit den Anleitungen ergangen, aber nun hast du sie und kannst mit ihnen arbeiten.
Und ich freue mich mit dir, dass du bald Besuch bekommst, uiiii, und 10 Jahre habt ihr euch nicht gesehen ... ich wünsche euch eine herrliche Zeit !!!!
Ganz liebe Grüße an dich, deine Jutta ..... die auch soooo viel Bügelwäsche zu erledigen hätte ;-(
such cute siggies! I have those patterns too, and I should use them!
Hi Simone, You have got some really nice things so far. I love the fabrics and threads that Monika has sent you. They will look so pretty in the Leanne's House quilt. I hope you have a lovely easter. Best Wishes, Evonne xx
Everything looks just beautiful.
Have a wonderful Easter.
Renee xoxo
What love siggy blocks! Your new patterns look great - can't wait to see what you make with them. Enjoy those cookies, and have a great Easter.
such a lovely lot of goodies Simone!!! Wishing you a happy easter and lots of chocolate!!!
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