But I still wanted to show you the inspiration Konigin Beatrix gives us. My sister, who teaches 3rd grade, gave her class a coloring picture and look at the wonderful results. If my sister had said she had made this picture in a museum I would have believed her!

A while ago I visited Gaby's blog. She was making this gorgeous Sunbonnet Sue quilt. I couldn't help myself making this for her. The pattern was designed by Ria Lanser, who started a pincushion club. I wasn't going to join it, but what she makes is so much fun, easy and fast to make, that I couldn't resist.

And this is the pincushion I made for Jutta and me, the flowers taken from Leanne's House quilt, I think it is block 2.
And today Jutta and I finally started Leanne's House quilt. We were really looking forward to it! I started cutting the first three mini blocks of block 1. The pattern is very well described!
Lyn at Bluebird Quilts is having a blogaversary giveaway! She made a lovely welcome hanging, has a very cute angel bunny and has added some check squares. She is inviting everyone to join the fun!

For those of you who are stitching Verandah Views by Cheryl at Willowberry Designs. Her fifth block is out and gorgeous once again.
And a good saying to end this post:
Have a lovely weekend!
Lyn at Bluebird Quilts is having a blogaversary giveaway! She made a lovely welcome hanging, has a very cute angel bunny and has added some check squares. She is inviting everyone to join the fun!

For those of you who are stitching Verandah Views by Cheryl at Willowberry Designs. Her fifth block is out and gorgeous once again.
Jenny at Elefantz has her third block ready to download for the Shabby Roses BOM. It is very pretty. I will be saving it for another time.
And a good saying to end this post:
"Your heart is full of fertile seeds, waiting to sprout."
- Morihei Ueshiba
- Morihei Ueshiba
Have a lovely weekend!
28 opmerkingen:
Lovely pincushions... and I love the start of your Leannes House!!! :o)
I'm seeing pincushions popping up everywhere. Love them. Thanks for sharing.
This tragedy was on the news here. The pincushions are so cute.
The stitched pincushion is really sweet! Looking forward to seeing your Leanne's house quilt grow!
I was sad to hear of yesterdays sad event on our news. I am amazed at the talent of children. They have so many opportunities now. Love your pin cushions.
I just love your pincushions...very cute. Thanks for all the links too. So sorry to hear about the tragedy in your country, my heart goes out to them.
ooooh I LOVE those pincushions Simone!! so cute
It was terrible about the crazy person causing such devastation on the queen's birthday. The children's coloring pictures are beautiful! I agree that they are as beautiful as anything in a modern art museum :) Your pincushions are so cute!
Liebe Simone,
für Dein Leanne´s House wünsche ich Dir genauso viel Spaß wie ich dabei hatte. Ich bin gespannt, wie Deiner werden wird. Gestern habe ich die ersten Quiltstiche an meinem gemacht.
Ganz besonders liebe Grüße
What great pictures your children's class made, it's lovely to see what children come up with when they're encouraged to be creative with colour. I like your pincushions, they're both cute.
Hej simone,
I heard from the news that tragedy and I felt so sad... also wondered what's wrong with people?
Your fabrics of Leanne's House are beautiful;) Good luck for your new 'journey'!
Hi Simone
I'm really sad to hear about the tragedy, how people can do these things is just beyond comprehension.
Thank you for the eye candy! You make such beautiful items. I look forward to seeing the progress of your Leanne's House quilt!
Warm wishes,
Vikki x
Veel succes met Leanne's House.Het is zo'n leuke quilt. Met z'n tweeën is het makkelijker om door te zetten. Ik ben ook een challenge met Yvonne aangegaan. Je speldenkussentjes zijn enig. Daar ben je echt een kei in! Zit te denken of ik aan de swap zal meedoen.....
Your pin cushions look beautiful Simone! And the fabrics you're using on your Leanne's House are so pretty! I can't wait to see it all come together. :0)
And that's just so sad about those innocent people losing their lives and others being injured like that. My heart goes out to them and their families.
Your sisters students are really talented! My sister teaches third grade too.
Your pincushions are adorable!
There are some people in this world we will never understand. Thoughts and prayers with the families.
I'm so sorry about what happened...I don't understand things like that, either. I love your Leanne's House pincushion...what a fun idea!
schade das solche Dinge immer mehr passieren, ich war vor Jahren einmal am Königinnentag in Holland und das war so schön allen lustigen Holländer beim feiern zuzusehen, es macht mich sehr betroffen liebe grüsse
Ha Simone, ik kom je een tegenbezoekje brengen en zie Jossie's naam hier ook al staan.
Jullie hebben dus ook een soort van uitdaging? Allebei succes met de Leanne's house hé! Dat is ook een erg mooie quilt!
Erg leuke speldenkussentjes, en ik ben echt benieuwd hoe je Leanne's house gaat worden. Ik ben op dit moment met zoveel bezig dat ik de shabby roses nog even laat liggen, maar hij is wel erg leuk!!!!
Hoi Hoi Simone!!! I love this new page of yours...I think I might have to get 3 columns too!!! LOvely bright happy colours the children did...Gorgeous pin cushions and you will have fun doing that Quilt...Love to you, Dzintra ♥
Hallo liebe Simone, guten Morgen!
Auf dein Posting habe ich schon gewartet ;-), ich freue mich besonders über deine ersten Schritte unseres gemeinsamen Projekts "Leanne's House", wunderwunderwunderbar!!!! Dein hübsches Nadelkissen habe ich auch heute auf meinem Blog gezeigt und es neben meinen ersten Teilblock Nr. 1 gelegt, schau doch mal kurz vorbei!!!
Aber ebenso gut gefällt mir dein Nadelkissen für Gaby, die vielen bunten Königinnen der Kinder (ich habe eure Königin noch nie so verzweifelt gesehen nach dem Anschlag) und beim Give away von Lyn bin ich jetzt Konkurrenz für dich ;-) !!!
Ganz liebe Grüße an dich, auch an deinen Vater, eine schöne Woche und weiterhin so viel Vergnügen an LH, deine Jutta
So sorry to hear about the tragedy, I think we'll never understand why things like that happen. Your pincushions are lovely, a quilter can never have enough of them! I'm looking foward to seeing your Leanne's House quilt!
I love the sunbonnet block. I know some people don't really care for sunbonnet blocks but I love them. I want to make one someday.
Hallo liebe Simone,
wie süß dein kleines Freundschaftskissen für Jutta, ihr beide werdet jetzt ganz viele dieser niedlichen Blümchen sticken und ich wünsche auch dir ganz ganz viel Spaß dabei!!!
Deine Stoffwahl gefällt mir jetzt schon richtig gut und ich bin sehr gespannt auf deine Blöckchen, freu mich schon drauf...
Liebe Grüße
Liebe Simone, vielen lieben Dank nochmals für das niedliche Nadelkissen- es hat bei mir einen Ehrenplatz bekommen :o) Und das zweite Kissen ist auch ganz wunderbar. Der Anfang Deines "Leanne's House" sieht schon sehr vielversprechend aus- schöne Stoffe hast Du wieder gewählt.Eine schöne und kreative Woche wünsche ich Dir und alles Liebe- Gaby
What stuffing do you use on your pincushions?
Hallo Lieve Simone, lovely start to Leanne's house quilt....love the pincushions.....your work is beautiful....warm regards lyn
Patchwork from Sweden. Leja
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