maandag 25 mei 2009

Finally done (O:

Last week I finally finished my droomdekentje (charity quilt). I had had the top finished for quite a while, but somehow didn't feel like getting those layers together and machine quilt it (sound familiar?) I must say, it went quite fast and I even enjoyed the machine quilting. I quilted it in diagonal lines.

Then I want to have my stitchery BOMs finished before the end of the month. Gail Pan's was so much fun to make again! And I changed the Verandah View block a bit.

I also finished mini block 5 of Leanne's House and will put the whole block together today. So Jutta, off to block 2 (O: It is so much more fun to do this together with Jutta, giving each other advise and just knowing that someone is making it together with you, really wants you to work on it. Go over to Jutta's blog and see how she finished her block 5. Then you can also see what she did with her gorgeous strawberry cross stitch!

Over the past two weeks I received these siggies. These are from the Netherlands and Belgium.

I would like to share some flowers that are at their best at the moment with the beautiful weather we have.

This plant blooms only once in two years, I think, because last year it only showed its leaves.

And this is definitely my favorite flower! It has never had so many rose buds. My neighbors are very lucky too, because many of the roses grow their way (O:

And a quote that I really enjoyed reading this week and is so true:

Emotions fuel memories. Memories fuel emotions. Choose what you want to remember each moment. It’s a quick and powerful way to shift perspective and can change everything.

- Kim Allen

Take care!

26 opmerkingen:

Stina Blomgren zei

Love the finishes you made... have to start over with Gails blocks...:o) oh..Love the favourites!!! :o)

Abby and Stephanie zei

I'm always so happy to see people take time to make something for charity. That quilt is going to make someone very happy! Such pretty stitcheries too.

Monika zei

Hallo liebe Simone,
bei Dir blüht es ja auch so schön! Das ist schönste Jahreszeit!!!
Du stickst so schön ordentlich und sauber, alle Achtung!
Ganz liebe Grüße und viel Spaß bei LH :)

Jutta zei

Hi Simone,
wunderschön ist er geworden, dein Miniblock 5 .... aber jetzt müssen wir noch alles zusammennähen und dann zeigen, sonst dürfen wir nicht weiternähen ;-)
Deine Naturaufnahmen machen richtig gute Laune. Den Fingerhut habe ich auch, nachdem er abgeblüht ist, schüttle ich die Rispen, damit die Samen herausfallen und harke sie ganz leicht ein, im nächsten Jahr habe ich dann ganz neue !!!!!
Und dein Charity Quilt, die gestickten Blöckchen und auch deine neuen Siggies, alles ist superklasse !!!!
Viele liebe Grüße und ein wenig gute Laune schickt dir deine Jutta

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries zei

Fantastic finish Mila Simone...looks wonderful!!! Boy you have been busy!!! Nice siggies too. The flowers in pic 2 look like hollyhocks...And a very thought provoking quote...Happy Stitching Dear Friend♥♥♥

Jossie zei

Hard gewerkt Simone! Je blokjes zien er zo mooi uit. Het droomdekentje is leuk geworden. Viel het quilten toch een beetje mee?
Toevllig net ook een foto van onze pioenen gemaakt om op mijn blog te zetten. Ze bloeien hier elke jaar. Misschien had de jouw even een rustpauze ingelast net als onze rododendron ;>)

Unknown zei

You have been busy stitching. There is no way that a rose could be blooming now here in Iceland.

Annelies zei

Je hebt weer heel veel gedaan Simone !

Anoniem zei

Je droomquilt is erg mooi geworden. Je BOM's zien er weer erg mooi uit, wat heb je veranderd bij de Verandah vieuws? Vind jij het ook steeds moeilijker om voor de "deadline"de BOM's klaar te hebben? En je bloemen zijn wel erg mooi.

Terry zei

Your charity quilt looks so bright and cheerful! Congratulations on getting it finished! I have not started my VV for this month yet. I still have a week so I might get it done! The flowers are beautiful! My peonies are just starting to open here. Enjoy your week! :0)

Jo in TAS zei

Love the charity quilt, it will definitely brighten someone's day :-) I'm slowly catching up with my BOM's again, finished Gail's last night and onto the chickens today! Keep up the beautiful work

Sew Useful Designs zei

Hi Simone!!

I love your charity quilt - and I'm sure the recipient will too! You are very kind. x

You've been so busy - your stitcheries are beautiful! And thank you for the quote - very thought-provoking and SO true! It's so easy to forget that we can CHOOSE our thoughts and memories! As always, you have put a smile on my face!

Hugs!! Vikki xx

Anoniem zei

Hallo Lieve Simone, your charity quilt is so bright and cheerful and will surely be your Leannes House blocks.....and having a friend sharing the same project will keep each motivated....Warm Regards Lyn

Allgäumädel zei

Hallo Simone,
du zeigst wieder laueter schöne Dinge. Eine wohltat für die Augen.

Und zu zweit an einem Projekt arbeiten, wie LH, hat auch mir soviel Spaß gemacht. Dadurch habe ich in Monika eine richtig gute Freundin gefunden. Und obwohl wir uns noch nie persönlich getroffen haben, wird telefoniert bis die Leitung glüht :-))
LG Patricia

Sherri zei

Love your charity quilt and your stitcheries...and the flowers are gorgeous!

Jackie's Stitches zei

Your quilt is fantastic - the binding looks so even!

The flowers - both real and stitched - are lovely. I have not seen some of them before. You are fortunate to have such beautiful foliage!

A Spoonful Of Sugar zei

Your charity quilt really sparkles!

Nanette Merrill zei

What is the name of the flower with the "bells". I love it. Sweet stitching. My favorite was the little chickens in the background of the one pic. Sweet. Your charity quilt turned out lovely.

HerzBlatt zei

Wonderful...your pictures and I admire the charity quilt...what a senseful work!!!

Peg - Happy In Quilting zei

Simone you have been so busy...all your projects look fantastic ...I love your quilt...

Nat Palaskas zei

Hi Simone, I was over at Micki's blog reading your profile and getting to know you. I was an April star on Micki's blog so very interested to meet all other stars. Will be back to visit again soon - Natima

Anoniem zei

Hello Simone,

I just found your blog through Micki's. What a lovely blog you have, and you do such beautiful work! I will definitely be back to visit again.

Millie zei

The donation quilt looks great and your handwork is a WOW. You sure have been so busy.

Christine zei

Lots of lovely stitching Simone. You have been a busy girl. I'm sure the charity quilt will be well received.

Jackie's Stitches zei

Sounds like your entire family has been really busy. I love your swap block and thank you for posting the tutorial to it!

Leanne zei

Your charity quilt is lovely it is always good to have a finish. What is the top flower?

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