Then, for a swap I want to make a tote bag, but I had never made one before. So on Sunday I looked for some happy sunny fabrics and made this one with the tutorial by Sarah. It's a very good one and I made this in no time. I never knew making a bag could be so much fun!

I received two more lovely siggies, one from Marjo and one from Anja.

And to my jelly roll Objects of Desire I bought this gorgeous panel. This one really makes me happy! Now I will have to decide how I will use my jelly roll and this panel for a quilt. Any suggestions?

Last Saturday Ger and I had a day off for the two of us. We went to Alden Biesen, where we took a walk through the blooming nature. Here some some impressions:

One of the quotes that reached me this week I want to share with you, as many of us seem to forget this:
"To a happy person, the formula for happiness is quite simple: Regardless of what happened early this morning, last week, or last year - or what may happen later this evening, tomorrow, or three years from now - now is where happiness lies." - Richard Carlson
Happy days to you!
29 opmerkingen:
I totally agree with that saying!!! :o)))
We have that flower too.. :o)) we call it "Rödblära"..:o)
Thanks for showing lovely pictures..have a great weekend!!
That little thread catcher is really useful, I use mine all the time - though it took me a while to work out the instructions! The panel is such fun, so bright and cheerful, it would look great with simple sashings and four patch blocks in the corners perhaps.
Labdien Mila Simone...thank you Simone for this thread holder, I will have to try it one day. Love the bag, such beautiful sunny happy colours...I remember in the 70's I used to have quite a few yellow clothes. I reckon you can never have enough bags!!! What are you going to do with the siggies?
Cool panel you have there...just maybe use it together with the strips from the jelly roll♥
And it was nice to walk with you and Ger...Love to you ♥x
What gorgeous scenery on your trip! Absolutely beautiful! I've been wanting to make one of those thread catcher's as well...and your bag is great too! You've been busy!
This was a really lovely post with a bit of everything in it.
Love Renee xooxx
Je bakje is leuk geworden. Het staat ook al een tijdje op mijn to do lijstje. Viel het mee? Het lijkt iets ingewikkeld. Kasteel Alden Biesen is prachtig. Je mooie foto's herinneren me eraan in welke mooie omgeving we toch wonen!
Hi Simone,
what a true saying....I always try to live in that way.
I love the panel with the shoes...absolutly crazy!!
Two weeks ago we had a dutch market here in our city with fabrics and I was ill in bed....can you imagine that???? We never had a market like that and I was ill.....
The little bag is so cute and very practical!!
Your bag looks great...especially the colours....very nice!!
The donkey ist wonderful!!! I love them because they are so stubborn.
Sometimes I am also as obstinate as a mule...*lol*...
It is nice to make something just for ourselves. Great projects. Thanks for taking us on your walk. Beautiful photos.
Sweet quote. Love the donkey. And the outdoorsy/building pictures are frameable! I love my thread catcher. You will love yours.
Great saying. Your bag is very summerly.
Good morning Simone! :-)
Thank you for sharing that wonderful quote with us - I, for one am very happy in this moment! Enjoying your photos and creations!
How wonderful to spend a day with your loved one, exploring nature. Your photos are lovely - I almost feel like I'm there. The grass looks so lushous and green.
I love that fabric panel... it's divine. Are you a shoe lover by any chance? he he he... I know I am!
Have a great day Simone, and may your every moment be a happy one!
Vikki xx
My threadcatcher is pretty full, think I might put the mass of threads out for the birds to use in their nests! Gorgeous scenery, love the donkey!!
I love your threadholder. What a beautiful pictures of Alden Biesen castle.
The bag is wonderful ,and you are keeping yourself busy with projects! Your pics are wonderful of your trip. I really enjoyed them!
Your thread catcher is lovely! I have that on my "someday" list too! And your tote bag is so cute! I love the photos of your day out with Ger, especially the last one of the donkey! It made me smile!
Das sind ja wieder tolle Sachen liebe Simone und das Schuhpaneel ist echt KLASSE :o)) Dankeschön auch für die schönen Bilder -ich wünsche Dir ein wundervolles Wochenende und alles, alles Liebe -Gaby
Have you caught the bag making bug now? I love the panel,you could just use the jelly roll to make a pieced border for it. That quote is great and so true.
Gorgeousss trip! I agree with Richard Carlson... Have alovely weekend dear! ~XO*
Hallo liebe Simone,
vielen Dank für die tollen Links, die vielen schönen Fotos ..... ich komme immer sooooo gerne bei dir vorbei, um dich zu besuchen !!!!!
Den Fadensammler habe ich gestern Abend gleich nachgenäht .... süß und praktisch zugleich und heute kam Post von dir an, herrlich, morgen öffne ich den Brief, vielen Dank im Voraus dafür.
Ein wunderschönes Wochenende für dich und deine Familie, lass dich morgen am Muttertag von deinen Kindern verwöhnen und bis bald,
ganz liebe Grüße an dich, deine Jutta
Je draadjesopvangbakje is heel erg leuk geworden. Ik heb je toch al vaker gezegd dat tassen maken heel leuk is , maar pas op het is ook verslavend. Die ezel vind ik werkelijk een plaatje.
Love the shoe fabric - so bright and cheerful!Your swap tote looks lovely - I can't believe you have never made one before!
You've been busy! I need a thread catcher too. I can't stand having threads all over the place. Love your pictures of your day out. My favorite is the cute little guy at the end. He's adorable!
Hello Simone, you have been busy, and thank you for taking us on your walk, looks like a lovely place
Looks like you had a very nice walk, beautiful nature. Your thread holder is very nice, I have one too, it is very useful.
Thanks for taking me on your walk it was very nice. I love the donkey and the shoe panel I really like that range of fabrics. Your thread holder is very cute like your choice of colours.
Thank you Lieve Simone for calling in to My Dolce Vita...and yes it would be nice if you could share some of those meals with us ♥x
Simone that is a great little thread holder...love the tote and our little saying at the end of your post, very true.
A great post! The photos of your trip are fabulous--love the donkey, he posed so nicely. I really like the thread catcher--I need to check out the directions. I need to check out the bag too; it would be wonderful for shopping. Thanks for all the inspiration!!!
Hallo Lieve Simone, thank you for the words of wisdom....also the pics of your trip......love the donkey,Hugs Lyn
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