This week my PIF from Sherri arrived. Sherri is a wonderful person and makes very inspiring and often unbelievably pretty projects. I found myself very lucky, when I was able to join her PIF! Here is a detail of the tablerunner she made. Look at her quilt work!

And this is the tablerunner. The picture does not do it justice, but it was the best. It fits perfectly on our livingroom table and brightens up our room (this picture was taken outside, so that you don't get the idea that it is our table in the living room).
This is a handmade card and look at the cutest mini-honey bun from Aviary Sherri added to the PIF. Thank you so much, dear Sherri, for these lovely PIF presents!
I've been spending quite some time on Leanne's House Block II. A block with a lot of stitchery and lots of French knots. Not sure whether I will finish it this month, as I also want to finish the Christmas Wish and Verandah View BOMs.
I am also still working on The 12 Days of Christmas stitchery by Anni Dawns. So much fun to make in between all those other projects. One of my sisters already finished hers. She did it within 12 weeks! Now that was a very clever goal. She now started one for one of my other sisters.
And this is the one my daughter Laura is working on. Click on the picture and you will see the tiny tiny stitches she uses. Incredible.
Here is a sneak peek of one of the presents for The Christmas in July swap. Luckily the Quiltshop I go to sells Christmas fabrics all year round!
The quote I want to share with you this time:
"That's when you're at your best, when you're focused and you're serious and passionate about what you do, but at the same time you can relax and have fun and be confident."
- Derek Fisher
22 opmerkingen:
Sherri's work is perfection. What a lovely PIF. I love your stitcheries. I can't wait until the sneak peeks are revealed, especially the Christmas in July projects.
You are very busy....and show great things like the Leanne's House Block II.....lovely!!!
Your daughter`s stitchery is absolutly wonderful and as you say....with very tiny stitches....compliment!!!
Best wishes
Hi Simone! What a beautiful table runner you received! And your Leanne's House is coming along nicely. Laura's stitches look as tiny as Emily's, although she hasn't been stitching much lately. Enjoy your day! :0)
Ik had je al gemist, maar gelukkig ben je er weer. Wat heeft Sherri je mooie cadeautjes gestuurd! En het borduurwerk van Laura is prachtig. De steekjes zijn zo mooi regelmatig. Zit vast in jullie genen!
You are so kind, Simone! I love your daughter's stitchery...that project is on my list...maybe if I start now I can have it done for Christmas!
Was für ein wunderschöner Tischläufer liebe Simone und auch die Karte ist niedlich o)) Auch Dir noch eine schöne Restwoche und alles Liebe von Gaby
Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful work! Time is going quickly....too quickly!
Lucky you, what lovely PIF gifts.
It looks like you have been busy stitching.
I like to read you quotes, keep them up.
Ohhh... Lucky you.. the PIF from Sherri is wonderful...:o))
Love to see the progress on your Leannes House quilt.. love that quilt... so good luck.. and its fun to make..isnt it???
Lots of goodies on this post Simone! Love Laura's stitchery - what a terrific job she is doing; your PIF from Sherri is amazing; nad your 12 days of christmas is looking great.
What a beautiful tablerunner! She relly knows how to quilt. I like your Leannes Block a lot, and your daughter does beautiful stitching just like her mum!
Hello Simone, love the table runner you rec'd for the PIF........look forward to seeing the finished project for the Christmas in July Swap..hugs lyn
I agree Simone...where does the time go these least we can never say we are bored LOL!!! Love the table runner...and it looks as though Laura is talented just like her Mum♥♥
Liebe Simone,
oh, der Tablerunner von Sherrie könnte mir auch gefallen, wunderschöne Farben, toll gequiltet ..... und dann noch schöne Geschenke dazu, welch ein Glück, ich freu mich mit dir.
Dein 2. Block von LH gefällt mir sehr gut, so ganz anders wie meine Farben, aber gerade das mag ich so sehr .... viel Spaß beim Sticken, ein sehr zeitaufwändiger Block ist dieser zweite.
Und deine Tochter macht dir beim Sticken schon jetzt Konkurrenz ;-) .... richte doch Laura aus, sie hat wirklich Talent, toll!!!!!
Dein Beitrag zum Swap Christmas in July .... wow, da bin ich schon heute auf das komplette Foto gespannt !!! Neugierig machst du uns ;-)
Einen schönen Samstagabend für dich und deine Familie und morgen einen rundum gemütlichen und fröhlichen Sonntag wünscht dir deine Jutta
Dein Tischläufer ist sehr hübsch :)
Und jetzt schon für die Weihnachtszeit vorzuarbeiten ist sicher sinnvoll. Meist kommen die Festtage ja recht überraschend *lol*
Und die Stickerei deiner Tochter ist wirklich unglaublich. Sie kommt da ganz nach der Mama.
Ein schönes wochenende wünscht euch Annifee
Ooo what a fun peek! You have a lot of stitcheries going on. I am only doing 1 copy of Verandah Views. I have the 12 Days of Christmas on my list. Next though will be Sue Spargo's Folklore.
You sure have been busy! Your stitching is beautiful as always and your swap package looks fantastic!
I'm drooling over your PIF from Sherri. Love the Figtree fabrics and her quilting is exquisite.
Love your Leanne's House block ... I hope to make this quilt too one day.
Such sweet projects. I love the table runner. How nice. And the stitchery is so wonderful. I'm determined to do some this summer.
Such sweet projects. I love the table runner. How nice. And the stitchery is so wonderful. I'm determined to do some this summer.
Your daughter´s stitches are small, what a great work.
Love the table runner the quilting looks fantastic. I am a big fan of the 12 days of Christmas. I made one a couple of xmas's ago and love it.
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