For the first time I met a blogger friend, on Wednesday (O: I went to Jos, to bring her my charity quilt, which she will take to the person who organizes it. It was great to finally meet Jos. She is a wonderful person! We had a great afternoon. Time really went fast, chatting about all kinds of subjects. I was very lucky to be allowed to see Jos' great projects in real, such as her Charity Quilt, the finished Civil War Diary Quilt blocks, her hexagon quilt, Sylvia's Bridal Sampler blocks and her finished New York Beauty Quilt, to mention only a few. And I was able to take a look in her wonderful Japanese Quilt books. Thank you, Jos, for the wonderful afternoon! I hope we will soon do it again!
This week I finished the two stitchery BOMs I am working on, after having finished the Leanne's House stitcheries of mini block 5. Jutta and I decided to finish block 2 and 3 in three months, since we both are a bit too busy, to be able to do one block each month this summer.

Thank you, Evonne for having had this wonderful swap with me and for being my friend!

And now I can also tell you, that I was Micki's June Star. I hadn't mentioned it before, because one of the pictures was the above wall hanging and I was afraid Evonne might see it. Micki interviews a quilter each month. It is a great way to connect quilters around the world! Thank you, Micki, for letting me feel like a 'star' for a while (O:

"For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it."
- Ivan Panin
Have a lovely week!
30 opmerkingen:
Your stitcheries are lovely! And congratulations to Laura! :0)
What wonderful goodies you got from you swap partner. My father was always looking for four leaf clovers too and I think he only found one which he used to keep in his wallet. Thanks for the memory.
I forgot - Congratulations to Laura!!
What a lovely post Simone. We had a real great afternoon, also thanks to you. You are such a sweet and kind person. I'm glad I finally met you. The charity quilt you made is beautiful and your stitcheries are so pretty and with very neat stitches. And yes, we must meet again soon!
Congratulations on Laura's graduation!
I loved hearing about the graduation tradition in your country. What a fun way to celebrate!
Proficiat voor de geslaagde Laura!
Leuk gebruik, dat buitenhangen. We kennen dat in België niet.
Je bent verwend : een lekker dagje met Jossie, een zacht postpakket ... zou 't aan de klavertjes4 liggen? ;-)
Congratulations to Laura for graduating - looks like a fun tradition! Hope all that clover brings you lots of luck Simone. Your catch up with Jos sounded like fun - always great to meet like minded people. Enjoy your weekend.
Hello dear Simone!
I love reading your blog... always a wealth of information, eye candy, and love! :-)
Congratulations to Laura on her graduation!!! How wonderful! And I LOVE your tradition of hanging relevant items from your window! How did that one come about?
Your swap items are divine, as is the little quilt you made!
I hope your coming weeks are just as lovely as this one!!!
Vikki xxx
Congratulations to Laura!
And you did beautiful stitching, as always!
Van harte gefeliciteerd met Laura !
Proficiat voor Laura. Vannamiddag verwacht ik ook een vriendin blogster uit Australië. Ze blijft hier voor vier dagen en reist dan naar haar zoon (die trouwt met een Duits meisje) naar Duitsland.
Hi Simone, I heard the first time of your tradition of graduation. A nice way to celebrate;) Congratulations to Laura! And wish you a SPECIAL lucky week! I also like those Ursula Schertz's stitcheries.
What a lovely week! I love that tradition , and how nice that you got to meet a fellow blogger. You have been so busy too with projects. I am so glad that you had such a nice week!
Hello Simone, You certainly did have a wonderful week. Congratulations to Laura on graduating. It was wonderful to see the different things people do when they graduate. Have another lovely week.
I've not heard of the graduation tradition before, it sounds like fun.
You must be very lucky to find a six leaf clover. maria x
Hallo liebe Simone, da hattet ihr ja wirklich ein schönes Wochenende, alles Gute noch für Laura. Und der Wandebehang mit den Stickmotiven von U.Scherz ist wirklich allerliebst :o))Auch für Diche eine wunderwolle Woche und alles Liebe von Gaby
Lovely stitcheries! Congratulations to Laura...and what a fun tradition! One of the things I love most about blogging is learning so many things about traditions and customs all around the world! Thanks for sharing!
You really have had a lovely week , good for you .
It is fun to see what you are up to. The swap stuff is always like a package from heaven when it comes. congrats to the graduate!
Liebe Simone, du bist ja nun wirklich ein "Star", dein Beitrag bei Micki hat mich tief berührt.
Ich freue mich mit euch, dass Laura nun endlich ihr Examen in den Händen hält. Der Brauch, etwas von der Schule ans Haus zu hängen, ist richtig witzig, warum machen wir das nicht auch in Deutschland so? Die Jugendlichen kleben große Buchstaben auf ihr Auto "Abi 2009", aber sonst ist das Examen eher anonym.
Und deine Arbeiten sind wie immer superschön, ganz besonders gefällt mir die hübsche Gartenfee, so exakt gestickt, tolle zarte Farben, wow !!!!!
Es freut mich, dass du mit Jos und Evonne so gut Freundschaft geschlossen hast, das www ist schon toll, nicht wahr? Sonst hätten wir uns wohl nie kennengelernt.
Und bei soooo vielen vierblättrigen Kleeblättern wirst du in der nächsten Zeit ganz viel Glück haben !!!!!!
Viele liebe Grüße, deine Jutta
(die heute doch ihren fertigen Block Nr. 2 von Leanne's House fotografiert hat ..... aber im Juli werde ich Block 1 und 2 nach der Quilt-as-you-go-Methode quilten und den Block 3 mit dir zusammen dann erst im August starten ;-)
Hello Simone, congrats to Laura on her graduation.....your stitcheries are truly beautiful.....fun to receive a swap package and the friendship that goes with it...hugs lyn
Laura, van harte meid. ik had al gehoord van Jos dat jullie een hele leuke dag samen hadden gehad.
Je hebt wel weer erg mooie stitcheries gemaakt en die swap geweldig. Ik ga snel het intervieuw eens lezen, gefeliciteerd. Ik heb ook klavertjes vier, alleen gekweekt in een potje, gekregen met moederdag van Tim.
Een hele fijn week. En heel veel plezier zaterdag.
Lieve Simone...Congratulations to Laura...I know how hard she has worked on this!!!
Today I prepared my BOM believe and started tonight
Now look at that book from Evonne...I have bought one of those for you to...oh well LOL!!!
I don't know Ursula's work but this is very lovely Dear Simone...
And congratulations for being Micki's June Star...it was a great interview...And I know how special those clovers are♥x
Bei Dir ist immer viel schönes zu sehen auf Deinem Blog!
Bei so viiiiielen Kleeblättern hast Du aber wirklich eine gute Zeit vor Dir! ;)))))
Schulsachen aus dem Fenster hängen, gibt es hier nicht!
Einen schönen Sommertag wünsche ich Dir.
Congratulations to Laura. This is a very special tradition, I have never heard of it. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats to Laura, and what a fun tradition. Lots of blogging goodness there.
I can see why you like Ursula Schertz' designs. They are lovely. I'm rather fond of stitcheries myself.
Congratulations to Laura.
ALso thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. I'm glad you liked the houses:)
What a funny idea...your graduated flag...!!!
My congratulation to Laura and her successful graduation from High School!!!!
Your stitchery is great!!! And the wallhanging is absolutly wonderful!!!
Hello Simone, Thank you for being a wonderful friend to me. You are a beautiful and generous person and I love the beautiful gifs you made for me. I will cherish them forever. :) Evonne xx
Hello Simone, Congratulations to Laura on her graduation. All her hard work has paid off. I cherish the beautiful gifts that you made for me and I am blessed to have you as my wonderful friend. I hope the four leaf clovers bring you many years of good luck!! Evonne xx
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