We also visited Amsterdam on a sunny day. Here's a picture of the four season houses. If you look closely, you can see 'lente' = spring and 'zomer' = summer. These housefronts aren't maybe the best ones found in Amsterdam, but I loved the 'lente' and 'summer' part (I left out 'herfst' and 'winter').

A while ago I won Clare's giveaway at Clare's Craftroom with the number 10. Read the funny story, on how I won this giveaway here. This is what I found in the envelop. The bookmarker on the left is a good one for me, since I read a lot, in several books at a time. And look at the pretty card at the bootom right. It is really beautiful!

During our vacation I stitched the first block of the Bunny Hill BOM. Behind it you can see the fabrics I bought at my local patchwork shop The Log Cabin and will use for the quilt. I'm not sure yet, how I will make it. I will probably get inspired, once I stitched several of these wonderful blocks.

A while ago I joined the Spring Fling Round Robin-3. Margaret, who organizes this, asked the Round Robinettes and one Lone Red Robin, to make her two youthful 12.5"x12.5" quilt squares, one colored for a boy and the other for a girl. Here's the one I made for the girl. I might even like it better than the one I made for myself, which I am not allowed to show yet.
Go over to Lani's The never ending adventure. She's having a 'green' giveaway with wonderful things! Her blog is so much fun to visit! She always brings a smile to my face and sometimes even makes me laugh out loud. Can you believe that ...
Have a happy and lovely week full of sunshine and laughs!
20 opmerkingen:
Sounds like a great break for you...and your redwork basket block is lovely. We've got sunshine here...and I love spring...but summers are just too hot here!
Hallo liebe Simone,
eine Auszeit ist immer schön .... aber ich freue mich, dass ich wieder etwas von dir lesen darf ;-)
Ich habe mir gerade genauer die Hausgiebel angesehen, jaaaaa Frühling und Sommer, das sind die schönsten Jahreszeiten .... aber was haben die Haken zu bedeuten? Die sehen gefährlich aus !!!!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum wunderschönen Giveaway, aber auch zum 1. Stickblöckchen von A Tisket A Tasket, wunderwunderschön! Die Stoffe gefallen mir sehr.
Und dein Prinzessinenblöckchen ist ganz allerliebst ..... fleißig warst du !!!
Herzliche Grüße, Jutta
Thanks for posting some pictures of that wonderful house!!Glad that you had a good time ...:o)
Looks like you had a wonderful trip. Congrats on winning the give away. I really like your little block.
Hi Simone, It is fun to win a giveaway.Lovely redwork stitchery you have made Simone.I am a great fan of Log Cabin blocks. Regards Lyn
I love all your photos! It sounds like you had a great trip. The Bunny Hill BOM in redwork is fabulous!
Great package of goodies! I'm glad you had a chance to get away and relax...walking the dunes sounds like fun!
What a lovely parcel of goodies! Your blocks look so good, I still haven't finish my BOM, but it will be coming soon! ;-)
Hi Simone,
thanks for visitng me!!! I love your blog, too, and I when I see the picture of the four season houses I remember our visits in Amsterdam...I love it!!!
We are often in the Netherlands...usually in the south...Cadzant Bad or Middelburg and surrounding, but we went to see a lot of other parts, too.
My brother had his sailing boat on the Ijsselmeer for many years so we sometimes visited him there.
I am happy to make you laugh!! I love laughing...it brings the sun in my house even when there isn`t any....But nevertheless I am very keen on the spring now!!!
Best Herzblattwishes
Wat heb je weer een leuk pakketje gewonnen. Gefeliciteerd! Het Bunny Hill mandje is mooi geworden. Ben echt benieuwd hoe het totaalplaatje gaat worden. Wat betreft de seizoenen ben ik het niet helemaal met je eens. De zomer mag van mij worden opgesplitst in lente en herfst :-). Ik hou niet zo van de warmte.
Hi Simone so glad you like your little pressies . Thankyou for my birthday wishes , take care .
clares craftroom
Glad you had a great holiday!! Love your Bunny Hill block - the fabrics look so cheerful!
Welcome back from your holiday - sounds like you had a lovely time. I love the block you have made for the little girl - so sweet and I'm looking forward to seeing the Bunny Hill quilt blocks - fabulous in redwork.
Your holiday looked wonderul and congrats on winning! You are a lucky girl indeed.
nice blog you have - it gave me a lot of inspiration
Did you have sunshine this week. We had a little together with temperature below zero!
Like the building Simone...especially the curves up top!!! Good work on your stitchery for Bunny Hill...have a lovely weekend my Friend...as I sit here with a cold seeming to get worse...Dzintra xx
I'm pleased to hear you enjoyed your break. We enjoyed a very short break to holland a few years ago and only managed to visit Amsterdam for a few hours but I enjoyed the visit and would like to go again one day.
Schön, daß Du wieder da bist liebe Simone und so fleißg warst Du wieder - ein schönes Wochenende und alles Liebe - Gaby :o)))
hallo Simone, immer fleissig am abeiten,schön , früher war ich Geschäftlich viel in Holland,auch in Amsterdam,habe mir leider die Häuser nie so genau angesehen liebe grüsse Chris
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