Look at Laura's tiny stitches. My oldest sister's stitches were this size too. She's the cross stitch specialist.

In May, my blogging friend Jutta (whom I met via Helen's Hugs and Kisses) and I will start a new challange: Leanne's House. I really look forward to this new project.
In my stash I found these fabrics, which I will most likely be using. The top three are from Jutta.
Then I added six new ones after going to The Log Cabin.

And here are the fabrics I bought in Amsterdam at Den Haan & Wagenmakers. A beautiful shop with designing and printing reproduction antique Dutch fabric. So very different from all the patchwork shops I am used to. Lucky my daughter will be moving to Amsterdam in August of this year to study there. Then I will get many many chances to visit this gorgeous shop (((O:
It is so good that the month March has started, with all those BOM designers bringing out their third block. And once again, all the new blocks are so pretty. I guess I'll put the 12 days aside for a while and start working on the BOM projects.
And last but not least, I finished my PIF's! I must say, I am quite happy with them. I'll post a picture as soon as the four 'PIF-people' received them.
Have a lovely week. "Don't wait. The time will never be just right." - Napoleon Hill
28 opmerkingen:
Such pretty fabrics. Lucky you to have someone in a city that has such a nice store. Makes me wish we were back in Europe to see some of the beautiful fabrics they have there again.
Haaaallllooooo, liebe Simone,
das ist ja witzig, auch ich habe heute auf meinem Blog von unserem Projekt berichtet ..... deine Stöffchen für Leanne's House sind alle wunderwunderwunderschön ...... da kann der Mai ja kommen !!!!! (o:
Deine Stoffeinkäufe von Den Haan sind toll, das sind so schöne traditionelle Muster und Farben !!!
Und deine ganze Familie ist sehr talentiert, euch liegt das Sticken im Blut, bravo !!!!
Hab einen schönen Sonntagabend, ganz liebe Grüße an dich,
deine Jutta
The fabric from Holland is gorgeous! We have lovely fabric also here in Ireland, but I do also order from the States.
Hallo liebe Simone :),
mit dem Muster von Anni Downs habe ich auch schon geliebäugelt. Sie hat so schöne Bücher gemacht, da weiß man garnicht, womit man beginnen soll.
Ich bin schon gespannt auf Dein Leanne´s House!
Ganz liebe Grüße
Fabrics of Your new challenge are beautiful! I started mine last Spring and finished three block... then I some how 'forget' it and I'm not sure if I like my colours /fabrics... Good Luck with your new project;)
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me.. a partidge in a pear tree. It is one of my favourite Christmas songs and I have made a 12 days of Christmas quilt a couple of years ago.
The Den Haan en Wagenmakers fabric is very beautiful.
I forget to say that your stitchery is stunning.
I love the 12 Days of Christmas by Anni Downs...and I'm just about finished with block 3 of LeeAnne's house! I'm mailing my Tea Swap package tomorrow...and then the only thing left on my list is my PIF's...and I'm not going to join any more swaps until they are done! Happy sewing!
Your Laura's sitches look just like my Emily's...very tiny and straight! Mine don't look that good!
Wat leuk dat jullie een gezamelijk familie-project hebben. Lijkt me zo gezellig.
Leanne's House is zo'n mooie quilt. Je stofjes zien er veelbelovend uit. Ben heel benieuwd.
I hope you and your friend enjoy making "Leanne's House" - it's a wonderful quilt to use up lots of small pieces of fabric and there's lots of stitching/piecing to keep you interested. I made it a few years ago and it's one of my favourite quilts.
Lovely lovely work and great fabric.
What fun having a stitching weekend with your daughter, mother and sisters! Your new fabric from Amsterdam looks very striking.
OH I like those fabrics!
I cannot believe how small those stitches are - OH MY GOSH!!!!
OH OH OH I have a Leanne's House I want to start - it is the quilters journey one... That one you are doing is georgeous!
Ohhhh any excuse t go to amsterdam sounds good to me!
Wat heeft Laura mooi geborduurt, complimenten meid! Wat leuk dat je met Jutta the Leanne's BOM gaat doen, de stofjes zien er erg mooi uit. Heel erg bedankt voor je kaartje, het kwam op het perfecte moment. Ik mail deze week nog even.
Oh ..you must have had heaps of fun together...and some lovely stitching too..:o)
Good luck wiht your leannes House quilt ...you will have a wonderful time making the quilt..:o) Love the fabrics...
I love the 12 days of Christmas.
Yes those plaids are great.
Your fabrics are great! Sounds like you've been busy, busy, busy!
What is typical for Dutch reproductin fabric? It's gorgous!
Wow...lovely fabrics Simone!!! And what fun you will have doing the projects...especially Leanne's one...I love her stuff!!! And fantastic you will be able to get to Amsterdam more now...have a lovely week my Friend...Dzintra XX
Hello Simone, lovely fabrics.I would love to visit the repro fabric shop in Amsterdam....something different. Regards lyn
I used to live just around the corner (read 10 minutes on bike) from Den Haan en Wagenmakers... Still miss it after all these years, you are very lucky! I love the stitcheries. Must be even more fun doing it together!
Hi Simone,
I did the Twelve days of Christmas stitchery year before last(2007, and it was so much fun. I had it at work Christmas just gone, and everyone there really liked it also,good luck with your Leanne's House quilt - this is one that I have done also. I gave it to my mother for a birthday gift. Have fun!
Simone thankyou for the card and the lovely thoughts from you . It was a pleasure to have you win my giveaway . I posted two awards on my blog for you and have now noticed your "no tag awards" I should really have checked first and I will not be offended when you don't take the awards .
Speak soon
clares craftroom
Hallo liebe Simone, da war ja jemand ganz schön fleißig und die Stoffe, die Du Dir ausgesucht hast sind wunderschön :O)) GGLG Gaby
Hallo Simone,
habe grade bei Jutta von eurem Projekt erfahren.
Deine Stoffe sind wunderschön, ich finde sie ideal für Leannes House und wünsche euch beiden so viel Spaß dabei wie ich daran habe...
Happy stitching
Sabine :-)
Liebe Simone, dir und Jutta viel Spaß beim Sticheln:-) sehr schöne Stoffe hast du dir ausgesucht:-)
Ich habe übrigens auch die Pattern von LH und a Quilters Journey und natürlich das Buch mit den 12 Days of Christmas. Nur leider keine Zeit.
Freue mich auf eure Fortschritte.
Liebe Grüße, Annifee
12 Days of Christmas looks great. I have plans to do this ... actually traced it out then found it was crooked so it got thrown away in disgust! (Think I need a proper lightbox)
I love the fabrics you have chosen for your Leanne's House quilt. It will be gorgeous.
lovely stitchery
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