A few weeks ago I won one of Dzintra's blogaversary prices. Happy Hearts, a gorgeous stitchery pattern by Hugs 'n kisses. Thank you my dear friend Dzintra for letting me win this wonderful stitchery!!! It is going to be a very pretty stitchery quilt or maybe a nice cushion (O: I will let you know!

And look what was waiting for me on Thursday when we came home late from our visit to Laura in Amsterdam. A wonderful package from Gaby with beautiful Christmas fabrics and ribbon, a sweet pincushion that I will put next to me on the sofa where I stitch almost every night, and a lovely pin (click on the photo and look at the top left corner). Also have a look at the lovely tag Gaby made for me and the card she added with a very dear message.
Thank you so very much, dear dear Gaby (O: You know how to make a tired girl happy (((O:

And this week I also finished my Christmas Wish Quilt. The picture does not do it right at all, but I was too late to make pictures by daylight. I guess I should do it on time next time, because the weather was perfect today for taking pictures outside.

Here is my seventh block for my second Christmas Wish Quilt, which I am making together with Melanie, Lyn and Karen. Only two more blocks to go!

This week I only managed to make one block for my Sampler Celebration Quilt. The other one arrived yesterday. Now I have four more to go.

"Experience will give you the power to share