Last week when I visited my parents, they gave me this envelop, which I had given them almost 40 years ago for Valentines Day. Can you belief it! When I looked at it closer, I told them there was still something inside the sealed envelop.
Isn't this just very very sweet. And how wonderful of my parents to have kept it for so long.

And this is what I made for my sweetheart Laura. She hasn't seen it yet, still dreaming.
I got the pattern at One Red Robin.

And to stay in hearts - this little heart I made for Laura too this week, to wish her good luck.

Happy Valentines Day to you all (O:
25 opmerkingen:
auch dir liebe Simone einen schönen Valentinstag, bei uns immer noch nichts von Schneeglöcklein,es schneit und schneit........liebe grüsse
Happy Valentine's Day to you too! You have made such lovely hearts! And how sweet of your parents to safe your card!
Happy Valentine´s Day to you too... take care and have a wonderful weekend!!
Happy Valentines Day.
It's great to look back on things like that from your childhood.
I love to the felt heart you've made.
How wonderful to have such a lovely childhood keepsake. The heart man is so cute.
This is so very sentimental to have kept it all these years. Lovely hearts Simone...just so suits Valentine's Day!!!
Een fijn valentijnsdag en wat lief van je ouders omdat al die tijd de kaarten te bewaren. Laura is wel een bofkont met zo'n moeder en wat heb jij gekregen voor valentijn......een fijne week en ik mail je nog
That is so neat that your parents saved that for you! What a fun surprise!
How cute!
Oh I LOVE Laura's good luck heart - you can get such nice felt over there : o )
Oh and how wonderful your parents kept something so long. That is the good thing about my hubby - he is a collector and I am a thrower awayer!
What a special memento that your parents saved for you! Hope you have a happy day!
That is so sweet! How cute of your parents to keep that for so long:)
How wonderful that your folks kept your Valentine - such a treasure! Love the pink felt heart - so pretty. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Wat een geweldige vondst!
What a wonderful valentines day card! For all of you! I love stuff like that!
Wat leuk dat je ouders die kaart hebben bewaard. Leuke herinnering aan je kinderjaren. Je hartjes zijn ook mooi geworden. Die gele is zo geinig.
That was an endearing story. No wonder Valentine's Day is so special for you.
What a special treat for you all to enjoy Simone. I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day. I took a vase down from a high cupboard yesterday and found a note that Lucy had put in sometime last year for me to find, it said 'Stay with me foreever love Lucy" It will be put back in the vase and kept. I hope Laura loves her heart.
Happy days.
Simone . You have won my stitchery pattern giveaway , woo hoo !Please email with your address . Congratulations and thanks for entering .
clares craftroom
Hallo liebe Simone,
auch ich hebe alles auf, was meine Tochter gemacht hat .... du bestimmt auch ..... schön, dass deine Eltern dir diese kleinen Schätze gegeben haben !!!!!
Herzliche Grüße an dich, die Herzchen für Laura sind allerliebst,
deine Jutta
Simone...all so lovely...happy belated Valentines to have been so busy as well always lots of nice projects when I visit...
Hallo liebe Simone, heute habe ich meinen alten Combi mal überlistet und kann schnell bei Dir reinschauen*lach* Du warst ja wieder megafleißig und ich hoffe, Du hattest auch einen schönen Valentinstag- bis bald und ganz liebe RGrüße von Gaby :o))
Simone, how precious of your parents to have kept that all this time! Obviously you are loved VERY much.
I love the felt heart...I think I'll make one for my daughter and fill it with lavender. :-)
What a lovely thing for your parents to give you!! Very Special!! I love the little pink heart for sweet! CAthyx
Awwww such cute things!
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