If you want another free BOM, 'short and sweet', see the Wonky Houses on Jenny's blog.

Then on Sunday I finally caught up with my calendar challenge. That was Sunday. Now I'm behind again. If you look closely on the strip of February 14, you will see a little heart ribbon which came along with my Sassy Flirty Apron Swap.
At the end of this month, I will start a challenge with my daughter, mother, 4 sisters, sister in law and niece: Anni Dawn's The Twelve Days of Christmas. This will definitely be a challenge, since only Laura, my daughter has done some stitching before.
Then please go over to Lyn's blog. She's having a Silent Auction for the Bushfire Appeal, a lovely 1930's Package.
I'll be gone for several days after today, escaping Carnival, that is celebrated elaborately in this part of the country. Have a lovely weekend and a happy week!