Here is my Schnibbles Parade that Sherri and Sinta organized over the last 12 months, together with Carrie, the designer of Schnibbles. It was lots and lots of fun, each and every single time. Everytime I made one, I thought that that was my favorite one. Mmm, how does that work? After looking at them all again, I concluded that there are two winners for me. The black/white one (which I am showing here for the first time) and Plan C (the last picture, photo on the left). But then, if I look again, I also like the State Fair a lot (second to last picture, photo on the left). I guess it's difficult to choose, because they are all so very different in design and fabric.
From these Schnibbles, I have learned a lot. It was the first time I used charm packs, the first time I combined colors with a white background (thanks to Kathy Mack from Pink Chalk Studio, who advised this background to me for Picnic - third picture, photo on the left), the first time I experimented with different kinds of colors etc. etc.
Do you have a favorite, looking at these Schnibbles? And why? I would love to hear from you!
Thank you, Carrie, Sherri and Sinta, for having organized this wonderful year!!!
Hier is mijn Schnibbles Parade, die Sherri en Sinta de afgelopen 12 maanden georganiseerd hebben, samen met de ontwerpster van de patronen, Carrie. Iedere Schnibbles opnieuw was heel erg leuk te maken! Iedere keer als ik er eentje gemaakt had, dacht ik dat dat tot nu toe nu mooiste was. Mmm, hoe werkt dat? Nadat ik ze nu allemaal nog eens goed bekeken heb, springen er twee absolute favorieten uit, namelijk de zwart/witte (die ik hier voor het eerst laat zien - bovenste foto) en Plan C (laaste foto links). Uiteindelijk is het heel moeilijk te kiezen, want ze zijn allemaal zo anders, qua patroon en stof.
Ik heb heel veel van het maken van deze Schnibbles geleerd! Het is de eerste keer dat ik met charm packs gewerkt heb, de eerste keer dat ik wit als achtergrond stof heb gebruikt (op advies van Kathy Mack van Pink Chalk Studios), de eerste keer dat ik met verschillende kleuren geëxperimenteerd heb, enz. enz.
Komt er voor jullie een favoriet uit? En waarom? Ik zou het erg leuk vinden, dat van jullie te horen!
Carrie, Sherri en Sinta, heel erg bedankt, voor het organiseren van dit jaar!!!

Winter White and tabletopper string project made with the left overs from this Schnibbles

Picnic and Scratch

Tuffets and Little Red (does not belong to the parade but is a Schnibbels!)

Tagalong and Sunday Best
Maybe you would like to join the new year of fun, that Sinta and Sherri have organized: Le Petite ~ a year of small projects. I am definitely in and the first project starts with a Schnibbles for October! Come join the fun!!!
Missschien heb je zin mee te doen met wat Sinta en Sherri voor dit komend jaar georganiseerd hebben: Le Petite ~ a year of small projects. Ik ben zeker weer van de partij en het eerste project is een Schnibbles voor de maand oktober. Doe mee!!!

31 opmerkingen:
So beautiful...every one!
Hi simone,
Ik vind de zwart/witte heel fraai maar ik val helemaal voor die éne links boven. Prachtig! allemaal eigenlijk wel.
Groetjes Marion.
Wow, that black and white one is striking. You have been VERY productive and it must be nice to look back and see all those gorgeous quilts.
It's difficult to choose a favourite, as they all look so good, but I think it would have to be the black and white one. It's so dramatic and clean looking.
Your Schnibbles parade is amazing! You made so many beautiful quilts this year! :0)
Simone--this is a wonderful collection of quilts!!! Congratulations on your year of Schnibbles and I'm looking forward to seeing your future small projects.
I love all the different Schnibbles and it's been such fun seeing the different fabrics and colors. Great job!!!
Oh lieve Simone...all beautiful and hard to pick...but have settled on the first one, Winter White!!! Congratulations on your Scnibbles Parade and all your lovely work...Dzintra♥x
My top 4 are Winter White, Plan C, Roundabout and State Fair. They're all gorgeous but those are my favorites. You've done a great job of keeping up with making and finishing them!
Madeline is absolutely gorgeous. You don't really see many quilts done is black and white...its beautiful.
I love all you scnibbles but I think Madeline and winter white are my favourite :D
What a fantastic parade Simone,
They were all lovely but I think my 2 faves were Madeline and Winter White. I especially loved the little birds in the centres and the strong contrast...very yummy. As for the WW, I just loved the colours and the flying geese.
Hugs, Sharon
Wonderful parade, Simone, like you I loved every month !
Wat een fantastische parade is dit. Mijn favoriet is absoluut 'Plan C' vanwege de kleurtjes die je daarbij hebt gebruikt. Heel vrolijk en toch strak door het patroon.
Wat een werk. CHAPEAU!!!
Liebe Simone, Deine Parade ist wunder-, wunderschön ;O) Du bist wirklich so fleißig und bei allen harmonieren die Farben so herrlich - einfach SPITZE! Einen schönen Donnerstag auch für Dich und ein hoffentlich sonniges Wochenende wünscht Dir von Herzen -Gaby ;O)
I like all of them, but I must say the black and white has pulled me toward it! Great job to everyone of them - Hugs Nat
Wat een leuke parade Simone. De quiltjes zijn allemaal erg leuk geworden. Moeilijk kiezen hoor. Zo van de foto's is nr. 1 mijn favoriet of de voorlaatste.. of... ik weet het echt niet.
Ik ga er eens over denken om volgend jaar mee te doen. Toch wel erg leuk om zoveel afo's te hebben op het eind van het jaar.
I think there's something special about Roundabout. They are all so lovely. Your latest one reminds me of caligraphy- very smart looking too. I can see it in a modern themed room looking stunning.
Fabulous parade, Simone! You are definitely right, it's really difficult to choose the prettiest one. Maybe it's State Fair (because of colours) or Plan C (I like the model) or no... I LoVE them ALL;) PS. I'n in this year - Pattern of Paganini and two charm packs of Bliss are waiting me on the cutting mat... Exciting;)
Ze zijn allemaal erg mooi en ik heb verschillende in levende lijve mogen zien. Maar mijn favoriete is Roundabout en Plan C. Tot volgende week, ik verheug me er weer op.
Waar kun je je aanmelden voor Le petite en hoe gaat het in zijn werk?
my oh my Simone, you have done some truly beautiful work, what a great year for you with all those Schnibbles, and I am sure you have had such fun!. I think my favourite is the black and white,it is simply stunning!!
Hello Simone,
Thank you for the quilt parade,they are all stunning I can't choose a favourite. Congratulations on completing them all.
Happy sewing.
Simone, I just love Madeline! Black and white are some of my favorites and this is a stunner. But I am so impressed that you stayed with this all year and made some very beautiful tops!! Looking forward to seeing what you will create with for the next one!
They are ALL stunning, Simone!
Ik vind ze eigenlijk allemaal mooi.
En nu ga je opnieuw beginnen,moet je dan elke maand de quilt af hebben ?
ze zijn stuk voor stuk prachtig!
They are all beautiful, and the black and white quilt is awesome. Congratulations on a wonderful accomplishment.
Oh, they are all stunning but the black and white is really really nice. You did a great job keeping up with them all.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. That is pretty neat that we have the same quotes on our blogs.
Simone, deine Galerie ist ganz wunderbar, eine Freude für die Augen.
Lange habe ich mir alle Fotos angesehen, mein Favorit ist der schwarz-weiße Schnibbles, weil er ganz anders aussieht wie die anderen.
Alle Schnibbles sind sensationell!!! Herzlichen Glückwunsch dazu !!!!
Deine Jutta
Every single one of them is stunning and so beautifully made - it's impossible to choose a favourite. I am going to say the black and white though because it's so striking and very classy looking.
I was tempted by La Petite but I think I would have to give up on sleep altogether to fit it in, lol!
Love schnibbles.
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